Gość KCC – Antonella Fittipaldi

Gość KCC – Antonella Fittipaldi

Bardzo nam miło poinformować o rezydencji artystycznej, którą w lutym 2018 roku odbędzie w Krakowskim Centrum Choreograficznym włoska tancerka Antonella Fittipaldi. Artystka będzie pracować nad projektem „Geografia dei viaggi compiuti e di quelli soltanto immaginati” oraz poprowadzi  17 lutego warsztaty tańca współczesnego – the language of the body.


Geografia dei viaggi compiuti e di quelli soltanto immaginati_

The work explores through a series of images the concept of the distance and the possibilities of the body to remember its past movements. Through the language of the body new landscapes are revealed: they can be real or imaginary but in any case are the drawings of the body that lead the travel. The body explores different trajectories, retrace its paths, remember the past experiences.


Antonella Fittipaldi is a freelance dancer and performer from Italy. Her studies began in southern Italy where she was born. Then she continued studying contemporary dance, ballet and Tai chi in Italy, Germany and USA.
Her artistic research is focused on the possibilities of body language to reveal its symbolic universe, according to her philosophical studies. In April she has achieved the Bachelor Degree in Philosophy at the University of Milan, with a dissertation about “The pratice of the gesture between philosophy and dance. Body building through the knowledge”. She is interested in the language of the body studying its possibilities in collaboration with other arts like visual art, music, photography and video art. Concepts like distance, relation with others bodies as a possibilities to change the shapes, manipulation and abandonment to the other, relation between body and authority, the interest for the urban and natural landscapes are the most important issues of her research.


Serdecznie zapraszamy tancerzy średnio i zaawansowanych na trzygodzinny warsztat z Antonellą Fittipaldi , który odbędzie się 17 lutego 2018 r. w Krakowskim Centrum Choreograficznym. Warsztat będzie prowadzony w języku angielskim.

17 lutego 2018 (sobota), 11:00-14:00, Studio KCC

Cena: 40 zł, bilety do kupienia w kasie NCK

Zgłoszenia: kcc@nck.krakow.pl

Uwaga! Ograniczona ilość miejsc, decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń!

OPIS WARSZTATU – The language of the body

The workshop explores the relation between the bodies and the possibility to change their shapes through the informations given by the others. Our body is constantly evolving and continually discovering its own shapes.

Manipulate the body of others, follow the gestures of others, abandon yourself to the movements of the group, let yourself be led. These are the elements we will try to investigate together.

During the workshop we will explore the principles of the release technique, floor work, contact improvisation.

Poznaj Antonellę w improwizacji: https://vimeo.com/240198076 oraz https://vimeo.com/211711344