Results of the “3…2…1…DANCE!” choreography competition

After seeing 12 dance performances, on 5 August 2022, the jury comprised of Katarzyna Pastuszak, Konrad Kurowski, and Izabela Chlewińśka, decided to grant the following awards:

Konrad Kurowski awarded:
EUR 500 to Benedykt Król for “Vigilance”
Justification: for creating a multidimensional work, which consciously combines the possibilities offered by different stage strategies in order to build a space for the audience to discover the potential of inconsistency. For refreshing wit and dialogue with cultural codes. 

EUR 300 to Emilia Biskupik for “Something is melting, something not (yet)”
Justification: for allowing herself to dive into movement-related explorations which have a kind of fragility and instability about them, which becomes a value on stage. 

Izabela Chlewińska awarded:
EUR 500 to Eliza Hołubowska for “Niestrojenie”
Justification: for consistent and mature choreography. The performers’ – dancers’ – movement, sophisticated and full of passion. The purity of the message in silence. The combination of strong physicality and sensitivity. 

EUR 300 to Agata Dulęba for “Przebudzenie?”
 Justification: for the courage of working in silence. For the ability to combine movement and voice. For consistently following conscious movement and searching for her own creative language.

Katarzyna Pastuszak awarded:
EUR 500 to Benedykt Król for “Vigilance”
Justification: for unpretentiousness and a brilliant sense of humour. For absurdity, pleasantly slumping down. For consistent composition based on the tension between the abstract and the concrete. For vigilance to detail and consistency in eliminating unnecessary elements.  For the sound and micro-choreography of the cucumber, knife, and plate.

EUR 300 to Kacper Klimczyk, Sara Kozłowska, and Dawid Marzec for “Porozmawiajmy o nas”
Justification: for the simplicity of the means of expression, authenticity, clear composition, functionality of the choreography, and attention to detail in the body-movement contact. The Audience Award in the amount of EUR 500 went to Benedykt Król for “Vigilance”.

We would like to thank all the participants for taking part in the 11th edition of the 3…2…1…DANCE! Competition. Next edition of competionion will take place on 3rd edition of Krakow Dance Festival (31.08-6.08.2023)

Photos: Klaudyna Schubert