What’s that noise I hear when I shut my eyes really tightly

What’s that noise I hear when I shut my eyes really tightly

creators: Anna Kamińska, Aleksandra Słyż, Patryk Durski, Przemysław Degórski

premiere: November 18, 2017 BalletOFFFestival

producer: Krakow Choreographic Centre – Nowa Huta Cultural Centre

The performance was prepared as part of a residency programme at the Kraków Choreographic Centre. It was produced in cooperation with the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Content-related support: HAT Research Center. Sounds made by muscles can be heard this way: gently place your thumbs in the ear holes so as to cover the outlet of the ear canal; with your elbows up, clench your fists. The perceived sound becomes louder, the stronger you clench your fists. It resembles the rumbling of a thunder rolling in the distance during a storm. Low frequencies predominate, in particular those on the verge of perception, ~20Hz. The sound is connected with the contraction of human skeletal muscles. The performance is like laboratory and interdisciplinary work in nature. Musicians and dancers meet on stage. Through the use of technology, an attempt is made at examining the relationship between sound and movement, finding common spaces and points where both these spheres interpenetrate.