We have finished the 3rd edition of the Krakow Dance Festival!
Dear viewers and all festival participants,
We are officially – also here – closing the 3rd edition of the Krakow Dance Festival, which took place from July 31 to August 6 at the Krakow Choreographic Centre – Nowa Huta Cultural Centre under the slogan “Who’s dancing?”.
Thank you for your presence, shared experiences and exchange of thoughts. Without you this festival would not make any sense. We had the opportunity to experience intensive movement workshops with 12 teachers, critique workshops, many discussions and 11 performances from Poland and abroad. We are proud that this event gathered so many unique artists and recipients in the heart of Nowa Huta.
We are already inviting you to the 4th edition of the Krakow Dance Festival, which we plan to organize on August 3-11, 2023, which will be special for us because it coincides with the 10th years of of activity of the Krakow Choreographic Center. We are already announcing that we plan to celebrate this anniversary grandly! Save this date in your calendars. We look forward to further meetings with you!
Ensemble of the Krakow Choreographic Center

The organizer of the 3rd edition of the Krakow Dance Festival was the Nowa Huta Cultural Center – Krakow Choreographic Center. Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund – a state earmarked fund, as part of the “Dance” program implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance.