Teach yourself to fly

Teach yourself to fly

choreography: Artur Bieńkowski

dance and creation: Victoria Kennett

music: Kessel Jaeger

photo: Dominik Wiecek

premiere: November 30, 2019 Studio KCC

producer: Krakow Choreographic CentRE – Nowa Huta Cultural Centre

The performance was created as part of the residency program at the Krakow Choreographic Center.

The “Teach yourself to fly” choreography project assumes that working with the methodology of the creative process and choreographic strategy is a cognitive process causing a change in perception. The creator’s main inspiration includes Pauline Oliveros’ “Deep Listening” methods – exercises transforming perceptual habits in order to develop openness to the surrounding environment and the other, at the same time understanding that true listening, the possibility of being heard/heard out, as well as truly listening to ourselves shapes reality and has a potential for change. Deep Listening practice is also a manner of listening to all kinds of sounds possible, in any manner possible, and replacing observation with active participation. Deep Listening is not only a sense-sharpening change, but also one leading to a different way of participating in reality. The creators assume that the body is the recipient of everything: sounds, thoughts, ideas, and the choreography is made up of both body movement and the audience’s ideas and expectations.

photo: Robert Siwek