Jestem miłością III

Jestem miłością III

concept: Barbara Bujakowska

artistic cooperation: Marta Wołowiec, Karol Miękina

performance: Marta Wołowiec, Karol Miękina, Barbara Bujakowska

video editing: Aleksander Hordziej

sound editing: Szczepan Sołtys

production: Nowa Huta Cultural Centre – Krakow Choreographic Centre

premiere: December 4, 2021. Studio KCC

The project was created as part of the Creative Scholarship of the City of Krakow.

The third part of the “Jestem miłością” project raises the topic of the shadow archetype, which – according to Carl Gustav Jung – represents the dark side of human personality. The shadow is a tumultuous sub-world of the psyche, where people store the most primitive part of themselves, it is everything we would prefer not to know about ourselves. It includes repressed instincts and feelings, everything that religion, education, and social norms call evil.