choreography/performance: Dominika Wiak

dramaturgy: Marcin Miętus

music: Rafał Ryterski, Aleksander Wnuk (live)

light: Klaudyna Schubert 

scuplture: Dominika Wiak (concept), Jasna Iwan (made by)

promotional photo session: Klaudyna Schubert

graphic: Zofia Karpowicz

production: Krakow Choreographic Centre – Nowa Huta Cultural Centre,

Fundusz Popierania Twórczości ZAiKS

cooperation: Living Space Theatre

Who can’t be heard?

As Rebecca Solnit writes in “The Mother of All Questions”, the history of silence is the key to the

history of women. MISSPIECE is a personal process of searching for one’s own voice and place in the

world of defined social roles, binary divisions, and masterpieces created by men. An attempt at

breaking the vacuum of the canon and finding herstory there. Discovering the emancipation

potential in house music – a space for manifesting the female voice, and in the body – in constant

movement, creating and processing.

In MISSPIECE, the body is a shelter for the silenced voice and its source at the same time.