This year’s edition of the KRAKÓW DANCE FESTIVAL, entitled HERE AND NOW INTO INFINITY, was held between 1 and 7 August 2022. The programme included both Polish and international dance performances, movement workshops, lectures, and a number of accompanying events held at the Nowa Huta Cultural Centre and at the Hevre restaurant and club. The idea of the festival is to highlight the potential of contemporary dance, both as a separate form of art and in combination with other fields of art, and to release the dancers’, choreographers’, performers’, and other artists’ creative Energy.

1.08 19:00 | THE LION’S DEN / POCKETART – Johana Pocková, Sabina Bočková
2.08 18:30 | PREMIERE: THE VOICE OF SENIORS / Barbara Bujakowska, Karol Miękina, Łukasz Laxy
3.08 19:00 | MISSPIECE / Dominika Wiak
3.08 20:00 |CAFÉ MÜLLER / Dominik Więcek
4.08 18:00 | PREMIERE: TYMCZASOWE NOŚNIKI KRAJOBRAZU / Aleksandra Bożek Muszyńska, Gieorgij Puchalski KCC Recidence
4.08 20:30 | VISUAL AMBIENT JAM SESSION / place: Hevre
5.08 17:00 | 11. edition of choreographic competition 3…2…1…DANCE!
6.08 20:00 PREMIERE: GUPPY 13 / Wojtek Klimczyk, Filip Kogut, Klaudyna Schubert, Marta Wołowiec
7.08 19:00 | CZĘŚCI CIAŁA / Ramona Nagabczyńska
Lectures leaded by Wojtek Klimczyk /Online
Photographic exhibition with works of Klaudyna Schubert / Hevre
Natalia Iwaniec, Lewis Cooke, Marta Wołowiec, Dominik Więcek, Dominika Wiak, Johana Pockova, Aleksandra Bożek-Muszyńska, Paweł Urbanowicz, Sighia Sandra Jędrzejowska, Barbara Bujakowska, Katarzyna Pastuszak.
Critics workshops / Hanna Raszewska-Kursa
Curatorial introduction
In the programme of the 2nd edition of the KRAKOW DANCE FESTIVAL, we draw the audience’s attention to the notion of time on several occasions. In order for time not to be an abstracted concept, it needs a body. It is thanks to the body that the experience of time becomes possible and it is our body that gives it new properties.
In a performance entitled THE OTHERS, we have the opportunity to observe extreme and virtuoso speed, used in the context of the environmental crisis. In The Voice of Seniors, we can negotiate anew with the concept of the passage of time. In Guppy 13, the creators raise the topic of travel, whereas different visions of The Infinite Body are a subject we’ll be able to listen and think about during online meetings with Wojciech Klimczyk. There will also be a number of accompanying events, including the VISUAL AMBIENT JAM SESSION during which the process of taking photos will be relieved of its documentary function in favour immersion in the photography we can see here and now, accompanied by ambient sounds. And these are only just a few of the events included in the programme of this year’s festival.
Is infinity an impossible concept? Maybe so, but we can venture to say that in the experience of dance, infinity becomes tangible. Dance is a process, constant movement, constantly becoming. In a time of ubiquitous ends of the world, working with the senses, imagination, and mindfulness moves and bends this inevitability of the end. The motto of this year’s edition of the KRAKOW DANCE FESTIVAL also incorporates an active wish, close to a performative statement, as though it wanted to impact the surrounding reality by halting the experience of the present. Contemporary choreographies support this idea, escaping static, finite receptions and interpretations. They work to fuel curiosity and encourage the process of asking and questioning.
HERE AND NOW we would like to invite you INTO INFINITY.

Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury – państwowego funduszu celowego, w ramach programu „Taniec”, realizowanego przez Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca.