Masterclass z Ann Van den Broek
Z przykrością informujemy, że warsztat z Ann Van den Broek zostanie przesunięty na inny termin, który zostanie ogłoszony w najbliższym czasie.
Zapraszamy wszystkich zaawansowanych tancerzy do spotkania ze światowej sławy choreografką Ann Van den Broek – WArd/waRD. W dniach 18-21 maja 2017 r. w Krakowskim Centrum Choreograficznym odbędzie się czterodniowy masterclass z artystką oraz jej asystentem Louis Combeaud. Uczestnicy warsztatów będą mieli szansę zapoznać się z systemem pracy Ann, z materiałem z wybranych spektakli, jej podejściem do budowania ruchu i obecnością sceniczną. Z pełnym przekonaniem – komunikujemy, że jest to naprawdę WYJĄTKOWA OKAZJA!
18-21 maja 2017
Krakowskie Centrum Choreograficzne – Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury
godz. 10-16:00 (w trakcie warsztatów godzinna przerwa na lunch)
cena: 800 zł (możliwa płatność w ratach)
I rata w wysokości 400 zł – płatność do 27 kwietnia 2017
II rata w wysokości 400 zł – płatność do 10 maja 2017
UWAGA! Maksymalna liczba uczestników warsztatów – 25 osób. Decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń i wpłat.
zgłoszenia od 18 kwietnia
Do you want to plunge into the unique and raw movement language of choreographer Ann Van den Broek? Are you curious to learn how she translates emotions and intentions into movement? Do you want to know more about her method? Are you interested in a form that balances on the edge of performance and dance, theater and movement? Then register for our workshops. You will be taught existing material as well as learn to combine dance with speech, sound and rhythm. Prepare yourself for some intense, yet inspiring workshop days!
In this workshop the focus will be on motivation and intention from which a movement can originate. You will work with different dance phrases from Ann’s work, with concentration on dynamic changes, imagination, rhythm, emotional expression, next to the timing during interpretation and presentation. You also will be given assignments and will play with Ann’s vocabulary.
Biography Ann Van den Broek – WArd/waRD (NL/BE)
WArd/waRD is the Dutch-Flemish dance company of Belgian choreographer Ann Van den Broek. In the year 2000, after an active and successful career as a dancer, Ann Van den Broek decided to dedicate herself entirely to growing and developing as a choreographer. She founded the dance company WArd/waRD and has been working on her uniquely characteristic body of work ever since. Over the past years she has left her mark on the dance scene in Belgium and the Netherlands, and she has also built a solid reputation in the international dance world.
Early on in her career as a choreographer she developed her own movement language: emotional minimalism. Her work is often described as raw, dynamic, radical, uncompromising and brutally honest. It is based on fundamental, yet simple human needs, such as making contact with others, satisfying needs and survival. Her work is known to be very detailed and multi-layered.
At the beginning of her career she focused primarily on the body in movement. Gradually, the use of live video, live sound and sign language grew in importance. In her work, dancers often produce sounds with contact microphones and these sounds, along with the original composition, the movements and the video projections, come together to form a whole. Lately, her work can also be performed in ‘alternative spaces’, such as museums or exhibition spaces. This allows her to get closer to her audience, as well as attract a new audience.
The Black Piece (in 2015) and Co(te)lette (in 2008) both won the ‘Zwaan’ (Swan Award – NL) for Most Impressive Dance Production. The Swan Award is the most prestigious Dutch dance prize presented by The VSCD (Dutch Association of Theatre and Concert Hall Directors).
Ann Van den Broek has also received the Dioraphte Dance Award for The Black Piece. This award is given to a choreographer working in the Netherlands who has strong international potential. A jury of international programmers awards this prize to a choreographer whose work has made a strong impression on them at the Dutch Dance Festival.
The Co(te)lette Film, a film adaptation of Co(te)lette made by British director Mike Figgis, won awards at film festivals in Los Angeles (USA), Nicosia (CYP), Brussels (BE) and San Francisco (USA). Ann Van den Broek is also the recipient of the Mouson Award (2009/2010). The Mouson Award is an initiative of the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm in Frankfurt (Germany).
The Lady in Black, a documentary about Ann Van den Broek made by director Lisa Boerstra, was in March 2015 first screened in Cinedans Festival – Dance on Screen in EYE Amsterdam and subsequently broadcast on Dutch national television.
The festivities of WArd/waRD’s 15th anniversary program in 2015 included the presentation of the book, protect/perform. Protect/perform looks over a period of fifteen years in the development of Ann Van den Broek’s artistic career. Based on conversations with author Marcelle Schots, reflections and many never-before-published photographs, it sheds light on the context that inspired Van den Broek to create her body of work.
WArd/waRD is performing more and more abroad and will do so in the future. Last year for example WArd/waRD performed in Switzerland, Lithuania, Poland, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and in France.
Accusations (2017) is the latest performance of Ann Van den Broek. It is an intriguing, nearly endless relay race of live movement, images, film, sound and words. Performers are absorbed by meaning, contemplation, accusation and regret.
Together with composer Nicolas Rombouts and video and lighting designer Bernie van Velzen, Ann created a cross-media installation that can be manipulated live. A human loop machine with performers as conductors.
Accusations is a good example of the hybride form Ann is looking for. In the coming years she will be looking even more to create a total experience for spectators, in which all the elements (film, sound, light, setting, movement/dance and text) carry the same weight.
Her search for atotal or holistic form is not manifested in the combination of different art disciplinesalone, but also implies seeking out connections with artists from other disciplines, researching, developing and creating in other environments (like public spaces, exhibition spaces, concert halls), exploring the relationship between performer and spectator and daring to select different bodies types.
Productions Ann Van den Broek – WArd/waRD
2000- 2017
Annexe (2000)
Hurry up please…it’s time (2001)
FF+Rew (2002)
Quartet with One (2002)
Rest Room (2003)
FF+Rew 60:00 (2005)
E19 (richting San José) (2006)
Co(te)lette (2007)
I SOLO MENT (2008)
We Solo Men (2009)
Ohm (2010)
The Co(te)lette Film (2010), direction Mike Figgis
Q61 (2011)
LIstEn & See (2011) a co-production with Marcus Azzini – Toneelgroep Oostpool (NL)
Kamepa (2012) guest choreography TsEKH (RU)
Domestica (2012) a co-production with Krisztina de Châtel – Dansgroep Amsterdam (NL)
Das Blaue (2012) guest choreography Oldenburgisches Staatstheater (DU)
The Red Piece (2013)
Q61 Cemetery (2014)
Phrasing the Pain (2014), guest choreography 420PEOPLE (CZ)
The Black Piece (2014)
Pushing The Wheel (2015)
Afraid (2015), a co-production with Marc Vanrunxt – Kunst/Werk (BE)
Accusations (2017)
więcej informacji:
Biography Louis Combeaud
Louis Combeaud was born in 1984 in Bordeaux (France). He studied law at Université Montesquieu – Bordeaux IV. His dance education started at Coline Compagny in Marseille and he completed his parcours at P.A.R.T.S. from 2008- 2010 with a training cycle and from 2010-2012 with a research cycle. He danced in Iceland New Standards of Living from Vedis Kiartansdöttir, Inga Huld and Simon Portigal. For Charleroi Danses he worked with Pierre Droulers in a creation called Soleils. He is performing Siwa from choreographer Michel Kéléménis (Marseille), as well as the Re: Zeitung project from Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker. In 2014 he joined Ward/waRD and performed since then in The Black Piece, We Solo Men and Accusations.
photo: Maarten Vanden Abeele