

dance, choreography:  Anna Godowska

screenplay, direction: Sławek Krawczyński

sound, video and graphic design: Peter Łyczkowski

lighting direction: Ewa Garniec

production: Dance Art Center in Warsaw

co-producers: Scena 96 Association, Krakow Choreographic Center – Nowa Huta Cultural Center, Lublin Dance Theater, Women’s Choir Foundation

“Simone” is a solo dance performance by Anna Godowska, dedicated to the figure of Simone Weil, a great 20th-century philosopher and mystic. The performance is an inner portrait of this extraordinary personality, expressed with dance, reflecting the paradoxically consistent fusion of her work and life. Simone Weil combined exceptional spiritual strength, acute intellect, and the courage of uncompromising thought with a weak and frail body.  This contrast reflects her deepest ideas and constitutes the primary theme of the project. The performance was prepared based on an in-depth analysis of the main motifs of Weil’s works and carried out using a method involving creative work with dreams and the subconscious. This pioneering method has been developed by Sławek Krawczyński and Anna Godowska for over a dozen years.

photo: Beatrycze Bem