„Propriety” in Krosno and Warsaw / Polish Dance Network

„Propriety” in Krosno and Warsaw / Polish Dance Network

In April we start the tournee of the performance “Propriety” that is a part of the Polish Dance Network. For the beginning we invite you to Krosno on 7th April and to Warsaw on 9th April. Check all of the cities we visit below and maybe we will see each other in one of them!

7th April, 6 PM, Regionalne Centrum Kultur Pogranicza

9 th April, 7 PM, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art (PL: Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski

The Polish Dance Network is the first formalized network of centers in Poland that support the art of dance and repertoire cooperation of centers throughout the country. From 2017 the network supports the circulation of native productions and artistic exchange. Its openness to both institutional theaters, as well as independent artists, give the chance to present Polish art of dance in all its colorful diversity. In 2019 performances from the PDN repertoire will host over 50 times in Warsaw, Poznań, Gdańsk, Krakow, Kielce and Lublin, Krosno, Bytom, Tarnów, Suwałki, Siedlce and Krotoszyn. The main organizer of the Network is the Institute of Music and Dance.

Propriety, Around Centre Group

concept and choreography: Agata Moląg
music: Marcin Janus
dance: Anna Chmiel-Kowalska, Monika Świeca, Marta Wołowiec, Dominika Wiak
producer: Nowa Huta Cultural Centre – Krakow Choreographic Centre
text of introduction: Marta Wołowiec
premiere: 6th May 2018 during Contemporary Dance Festival SPACER
duration: 75 min

The entire childhood we’ve heard “be polite”, “behave yourself”. But what does it mean exactly? It’s interesting if our parents were fully aware of what kind of people they are shaping and “what will become of us”. We invite you to a performance about the influence  of the principles instilled in our childhoodon our adult life. This will be a performance about adolescence, including physical and mental, about memories and their strength, about adulthood and expectations connected with it. It will be a performance about women, girls, teenagers, mothers and daughters and their relationships, which are often difficult to understand.

Apparently, to bring up a child well you need to approach the subject as if it was training a dog.

We invite you to a show about good girls.