Nautilus / Kim Sokolowski
choreography: Kim Sokolowski
performers: Zuzanna Kasprzyk, Daniela Komędera, Anna Kosiorowska, Katarzyna Sikora
lighting direction: Artur Oczkowski
producer: Nowa Huta Cultural Center – Krakow Choreographic Centre
premiere: November 15, 2015 BalletOFFFestival
duration: 25 minutes
The performance was created as part of the residency program at the Krakow Choreographic Centre.
In Nautilus, the image of a sinking ship was used as a metaphor for experience leading to complete exhaustion. It is a reflection on the fight and survival. During the creative process, the artists pondered over what happens to a person when they experience a disaster. They searched for movement situations which would help them reflect the state of the “castaway” through physicality and emotionality. They analysed physical reactions of the body, such as apnea, panic, and loss of the sense of direction. They were interested in what it means to experience the limits of one’s own resilience, what happens when one is gasping for air.
„Each man consumes in one hour the oxygen contained in a hundred liters of air; therefore in twenty-four hours it needs oxygen from two thousand four hundred liters of air. There’s one million five hundred thousand liters of air in the Nautilus, which divided by two thousand four hundred… is six hundred and twenty-five. The air of the Nautilus could thus be sufficient for twenty-four hours for six hundred and twenty-five people.”
Jules Verne, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, trans. Boleslaw Kielski