GOODBYE SUPERMAN “The purpose of the project is to draw attention to the topic of masculinity in dance and to the influence of male choreographers on the Polish dance culture. Choreographers – representatives of different generations, languages, and traditions – were invited to take part in the project. We will present performances which raise the issues of male identity and male cultural roles. In “Niesamowita Słowiańszczyzna” (“Uncanny Slavdom”), Maria Janion wrote that the Polish culture was a man, meaning that it was created by men and presented a male point of view.

Creating the “Goodbye Superman! Men in Polish choreography” programme, we tried to figure out whether Polish dance was also a man. If the answer to this question is “yes”, then it is only natural to ask what kind of a man he is. How is masculinity constructed in choreography? Are we spectators before whom a traditional male world is presented or do we watch art created by men or are we trying to penetrate into art about men, not only from the heteronormative position? Is the male body the main attribute of male choreography? We set out on a search of different types of masculinity in dance, not only the Superman type in the classical sense! Let’s take a look at narrations about men created (mostly, but not only) by men!” The “Goodbye Superman! Men in Polish choreography” is a response to the “Portraits. Women in Polish choreography” project carried out in 2014 as part of the Scena dla tańca (Stage for Dance) programme.
,,Projekt: Tomaszewski” Mikołaj Mikołajczyk
18.04. 2015
„Helikopter Tanz Streichquartett” Jacek Krawczyk/Joanna Czajkowska, „Kwadryga na TRZECH” Eryk Makohon
„Pinku Chirashi” Sławek Bendrat
,,Powyżej nieba” Witold Jurewicz, ,,Hello, My Friend” Paweł Malicki (Polski Teatr Tańca)
„Niżyński. Święto snów” Anna Godowska/Sławomir Krawczyński/Tomasz Wygoda
The “Goodbye Superman!” project is co-organized by the Institute of Music and Dance as part of the Stage for Dance 2015 program.

fot. J. Wittchen